Embodied GHG Symposium

CSBE news

Researchers: CSBE

On March 13th 2024, over 200 delegates gathered at the University of Toronto to discuss embodied GHG, total GHG budgets for the architecture, engineering and construction sector and pathways to build more with less.

The symposium focused on: How can Canada meet the simultaneous challenges of scaling up its infrastructure and housing to keep pace with population growth while also achieving ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions?

Hosted by Centre for the Sustainable Built Environment and the School of Cities this half day event explored solutions to building more housing and infrastructure with less greenhouse gas pollution. Interactive sessions and speakers addressed total embodied emissions, recognizing that to avert the most catastrophic impacts of climate change we have to build sustainably beyond per building or m².

Embodied GHG Symposium presented the latest embodied GHG research, policy, case studies, and provided opportunities for networking with industry professionals, academics and policymakers. 

Event recording: https://apps.rotman.utoronto.ca/MediasiteVideoLink?Rid=9113a55a966941c0be806014dc60a59a1d